Leading the Christmas Concert Dance for Grade 3/4 Students!



I really enjoy singing and dancing.  I have been singing since I was 7 years old in choir all the way until the University level.  I was in music theater when I was in high school and love combining singing and dancing together.  In my practicum, I asked if I would be able to help in any way.  The music teacher asked if I would like to help with the dancing portion.  I immediately said “yes!”  It was a lot of fun!  We picked people who wanted to dance and made sure to include both boys and girls and people who were really passionate in wanting to make this performance a success!

It was a great experience, and I also helped with the choreography in my first year practicum.  It is fun to collaborate with students in coming up with dance moves and making sure that their voices and opinions are heard!  It is one thing to make it up all myself, but much more meaningful when I incorporated what the students’ wanted in the dance choreography.

We danced in a room full of people.  This included parents, teachers, administrators, and other guests.  To get up on the front stage and dance in front of everyone was definitely a rush!  But I knew that the students would need my lead, and with us all combined the dance was a complete success!