My Side Business/Hobby


sleeping beauty 1

For the last three years, I have literally dressed up as a Disney princess and gone to children’s parties and entertained them for an hour typically each time!  Not only is this a side job of mine, it is honestly a hobby.  It is such a rush entering a place you have never been before and singing, reading, applying make-up, and doing nails for young girls (sometimes boys- minus the make-up and nails) and seeing their faces glowing every time!  This is where imagination comes to life.  I also am not just surrounded by young children, I am also surrounded by many parents and guests at these parties.  I am being watched and on stage for the entire duration.  I have also performed in front of groups of 30 children and all of their parents at a time engaging in acting and fun activities!  Also- each time I make sure to sing a song 😀  Children and parents absolutely love this part!

This job/hobby is related to teaching in so many ways!  The goal is to engage children, work under pressure, receive feedback, and ultimately have fun!