Why I Love Teaching!

Sabrina Teaching
One of the first questions that pop up in interviews so far is the question of why I wanted to become a teacher.  I will break it down into the main reasons as to why this is so.

I love…

1.) Working with students.

This statement may sound so cliche’, but it is true.  Back when I was a competitive swim coach working with children ranging from ages 6-8, I realized just how much I loved being around children.  Children have such a deep desire to belong and be challenged.  The best part of teaching is forming strong relationships with my students and opening their mind to the world around them.  I want to be the person they look up to, but also someone they can confide in and trust.  I want to have a listening ear, and make sure to give good advice in order to help students’ grow and succeed.

2.) How everyday is different.

One of the biggest reasons that I love teaching is because each day presents itself with something new.  Whether that involve new lessons to be taught, new conversations with student’s and colleagues, or having to approach a new challenge.  I love how each day is something new, is full of decision-making, and enables me to feel challenged as well.

3.) How I am able to be creative, and promote student creativity.

With imagination comes a large opportunity for creativity. I am always wanting to improve, learn, and find ways to be creative.  I also love seeing other’s creativity.  To me, this is super exciting, and teaching is a great profession to allow this to happen on a daily basis!

4.) How I can be a leader and role-model for others.

I think being a great teacher means taking on a very important leadership role.  It is important to be organized, punctual, prepared, and being a good person all around.  I want to be a good role-model for others by providing examples through kind behaviors, encouraging and uplifting words, respectful words, and by trying my best.

5.) Being in a career where there is always an opportunity to learn something new!

I have a thirst for learning.  On my spare time, I enjoy watching documentaries, TED talks, reading, and learning how to do something new.  I have definitely learned a lot so far in my teaching experience, and the biggest learning curve for me was being able to challenge all of my students through differentiated lesson plans, and keeping everyone engaged.

6.) Designing fun and engaging lessons for student learning.

I enjoy developing lessons that push students to think outside the box. I really like taking what we are learning and applying it to our everyday lives. I find when I do this, it allows the child to learn that much more.

7.) Team-collaboration with staff members.

One of the best times I have had in teaching is when the grade 5 teacher and me have our students come together and learn ELA together. We partner them up in reading, or teach them to make inferences. It is great to see when younger and older children can learn from each other.

8.) Extra-Curricular Activities in school.

I have been the dance choreographer all through my practicums, and for the past 2 years in my current position. I love choreographing the dances for the winter/Christmas concert. I also love coaching and can take my skills as a swim coach and apply them in this role.