My New Office <3

When I first stepped inside my new office… my jaw dropped – not in a happy way, but in how it was a complete mess! Nothing was organized… nothing was painted… there was sand and art supplies everywhere and two small desks and complete chaos… no jokes!

Anyways… I decided to flip the entire office and make it my own! I hope you enjoy the pictures 😀 I painted the bulletin boards, made a wall banner, my mom made a blanket for the couch, and I found some really awesome decorations to add. I love my new office – and so do all the students who come to see me!

…I am highly organized and always leave each day making sure my office is clean. I just can’t help it, that is who I am 🙂


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Empathy Shoes

In the spirit of bullying week – I decided to have every student in the school from K-12 decorate a paper shoe. The shoe represented each student’s individuality. It also represented the concept of empathy – and that it is important that we take the time to imagine what it would be like to be in the shoes of another (rather than judge them.) It helps bring awareness in how we should treat one another the way we want to be treated, and that it is incredibly important to empathize with one another. Here are some photos to see how it looked 🙂






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Welcome to Ms. Hogan’s Classroom

This blog post explains how I have set up my current classroom and what I include in it to make it work well for my students and me.

1.) The ‘Happy Hut’

Happy Hut

I have created the ‘Happy Hut’ for children who need some space away from everyone and everything else.  You would be surprised at how many times this structure gets used! My goal and hopes for this structure is that children go in there feeling sad/unhappy, and come out feeling more relaxed and happy. Inside, I have placed a chair and a bin full of little toys including stress balls and books that have to do with feeling better.

2.) Basketball Recycling Fun


A good way to have children to remember to recycle is to make it more fun for them. I have put this basketball net up so that students can recycle their recyclables.

3.) Table group Collaboration


One of my management strategies for the classroom is to have the individual focus both on themselves, and in this case, the other. (The other people in their groups.) If the entire table does something well, they are awarded a tally for their efforts. At the end of each month, the winning table (table with most tallies) gets a prize.

4.) My own Voice Amplifier20180104_132557
I am personally not one for shouting or yelling and do not have the energy or personality to do so to get students’ attention, so I have to strategically think of a way to get students’ attention without having to do so. I was the first teacher at my school to have done this research and found that there are voice amplifiers to help teachers. I have found it very effective! So much so, I use it all the time when I am teaching. My currently principal was impressed and shared my discovery at a staff meeting and three teachers came to me to ask where I got it. This is something I definitely love and has helped with my teaching tremendously.

5.) File Folders for Each Student


I am a strong believer in organization and in teaching it is an absolute must! I am always trying to brainstorm of ways that I can have a more organized classroom. This set up was wonderful because I kept all of my students assessments in their folders and when it came to parent teacher interviews, I was able to show the parents all of their tests, and something they were proud of for the term.

6.) Bathroom Bears and Organization Bins


I like to encourage some independence with my grade 3 students. I have incorporated bathroom bears (one for a boy, and one for a girl) and whenever someone has to go to the washroom, they take the bathroom bear and place it on their desk. Children have really enjoyed this because then they do not always have to ask me to go.

7.) Classroom Bell


It is important to get students’ attention, and like I mentioned before, I am personally not one to yell. I have purchased this bell so that if the class gets a little too loud, I can ring it to remind them to be in yellow zone (whisper level communication).

8.) Classroom Jobs


With having a classroom of 29 students, it is crucial that organization is met. Students are very eager and excited when we do weekly classroom jobs and this is something I love to do because it allows children to take on responsibilities for the overall improvement of the classroom environment.

9.) SMART Board Projector


I am a huge fan of incorporating technology within the classroom. I love using the SMART board when I can. Sometimes we use it for movies as well which is a fun reward to grant students if they have been doing well 🙂

10.) Classroom Birthdays


Children love to feel special on their birthdays, and I cherish those days with them. I have the entire class sing Happy Birthday for the child, I award the child with a certificate and a present. Children feel very special and appreciated on this day, and I think that is very important.

11.) Classroom Collaboration


In my classroom, students sit at tables. This method has been very good for student collaboration. I have put a small green bin so that students can keep a few things at their desk to help them with their activities.

11.) Comfort in the classroom


I think it is important to create an environment that feels a bit like home in the classroom. I have decided to bring a nice couch that is super comfortable in my classroom. Children absolutely love this, especially for reading. It definitely has added a nice touch in our classroom.

12.) Classroom Rules


It may be a little hard to see, but on the right-hand side I have a list of rules that my students need to follow. If they do not follow them, I ask them to put an ‘X’ beside their name on that blue chart on the whiteboard. If a student does a chore for me, they remove an ‘X’ beside their name. At the end of each month, I give prizes to students who have no ‘X’s’ beside their name 😊

13.) Classroom Library and Subject Containers


To help with classroom organization, I keep bins with subject labels on them so that students know where to put their duo-tangs. I also have many books in the classroom on this shelf and another one containing age-appropriate books.

Why I Love Teaching!

Sabrina Teaching
One of the first questions that pop up in interviews so far is the question of why I wanted to become a teacher.  I will break it down into the main reasons as to why this is so.

I love…

1.) Working with students.

This statement may sound so cliche’, but it is true.  Back when I was a competitive swim coach working with children ranging from ages 6-8, I realized just how much I loved being around children.  Children have such a deep desire to belong and be challenged.  The best part of teaching is forming strong relationships with my students and opening their mind to the world around them.  I want to be the person they look up to, but also someone they can confide in and trust.  I want to have a listening ear, and make sure to give good advice in order to help students’ grow and succeed.

2.) How everyday is different.

One of the biggest reasons that I love teaching is because each day presents itself with something new.  Whether that involve new lessons to be taught, new conversations with student’s and colleagues, or having to approach a new challenge.  I love how each day is something new, is full of decision-making, and enables me to feel challenged as well.

[Read more…]

Cultural Inclusion and Respect

When I went to University, I learned so much about First Nation’s history here in Canada. I was jaw-dropped and taken back when I learned about the residential school system and how First Nation’s people were treated there. In my life, I have become very close friends with a few First Nations and have learned about their ways of living and listened carefully to the effects that history has had on them as a population. I also currently work at Klinic crisis center as a volunteer crisis counsellor. During my initial training there, a First Nation’s speaker came in and talked about the damage the system has done.  I truly have a strong passion and dedication to ensure that my students are aware of the importance of having respect for First Nations and not judging them. I take steps to ensure that the past will not be repeated and that any person of Aboriginal descent in my classroom feels that they belong and are cared for.

In my lessons, I try to incorporate a worldly-based knowledge that will help students understand the different cultural practices around the world. One of my favorite lessons was teaching about Christmas around the world and how different cultures practice Christmas.

I think it is fundamentally and incredibly important that we have students open their minds and perceptions to the multitude of how different cultures come together and that we must respect one another for our differences, and embrace each other despite these differences. Especially in living within a vast multi-cultural country, it is important to educate students about the importance of respecting one another and understanding that at our cores we all have feelings, desire to be loved, and to be respected.

Inclusion through Equity

holding hands 1


Inclusion is a very important part of a community, especially in a space that is filled with students of different cultural backgrounds and different learning abilities. I remember when I was in grade 3 there was this girl who was disabled and had down-syndrome.  I remember that students would be cruel and no one would want to play with this girl, except for me.  Ever since I was a young girl, I made it a point to myself that I would not judge others based on their differences. I think as a teacher, it is incredibly important to look at the concept of equity and realize that not all students are created equal. I understand that I must tailor some of my lessons so that it is more easily understood by some, and I need to also create challenging lessons to keep some of my students from being bored.  I think it is very important to not judge people and to keep an open mind about one’s abilities. I think it takes a strong dedication on my behalf to see true student achievement and to see student’s true potential.

In my current teaching position, I have students ranging from a pre-k reading level all the way to a grade 6 level. I am just one teacher without an EA, and I have made it a point to have a help table in my classroom and to work extra hard with those students who need that extra help. I want children to succeed in a way that is meant for them. I understand that not all children are going to have the same talents and same learning abilities, this is why inclusion for me goes beyond treating everyone equally. It means treating students with an equity mindset. I do not want to neglect the students who struggle in learning, but I also want to make sure that the ones who learn easily feel that they are being challenged. Teaching is about throwing away judgments, false expectations, and assumptions of others, and meeting the student where they are at and working with them rather than assuming they are like everyone else.


Leading Christmas Songs with Grade 1 Students

Here is another time that students and myself got up onto stage.  Here we incorporated both singing and dancing for the K-4 students.  It was a lot of fun, and learning how to do dances that made sense to the lyrics was a great time.  What was awesome is these students were brand new to ever going up on stage.  Even though this was the case, they were brave and stuck it out!  I hope this helps them with future projects when they have to present in front of the class.  It is important to acknowledge people for what they can do and not what they cannot do.  Even activities like this promote students to get out of their shells so-to-speak and develop a sense of belonging by engaging in something that challenges them along with their peers.

A super great experience, and the student’s enjoyed it greatly!

My Side Business/Hobby


sleeping beauty 1

For the last three years, I have literally dressed up as a Disney princess and gone to children’s parties and entertained them for an hour typically each time!  Not only is this a side job of mine, it is honestly a hobby.  It is such a rush entering a place you have never been before and singing, reading, applying make-up, and doing nails for young girls (sometimes boys- minus the make-up and nails) and seeing their faces glowing every time!  This is where imagination comes to life.  I also am not just surrounded by young children, I am also surrounded by many parents and guests at these parties.  I am being watched and on stage for the entire duration.  I have also performed in front of groups of 30 children and all of their parents at a time engaging in acting and fun activities!  Also- each time I make sure to sing a song 😀  Children and parents absolutely love this part!

This job/hobby is related to teaching in so many ways!  The goal is to engage children, work under pressure, receive feedback, and ultimately have fun!


Leading the Christmas Concert Dance for Grade 3/4 Students!



I really enjoy singing and dancing.  I have been singing since I was 7 years old in choir all the way until the University level.  I was in music theater when I was in high school and love combining singing and dancing together.  In my practicum, I asked if I would be able to help in any way.  The music teacher asked if I would like to help with the dancing portion.  I immediately said “yes!”  It was a lot of fun!  We picked people who wanted to dance and made sure to include both boys and girls and people who were really passionate in wanting to make this performance a success!

It was a great experience, and I also helped with the choreography in my first year practicum.  It is fun to collaborate with students in coming up with dance moves and making sure that their voices and opinions are heard!  It is one thing to make it up all myself, but much more meaningful when I incorporated what the students’ wanted in the dance choreography.

We danced in a room full of people.  This included parents, teachers, administrators, and other guests.  To get up on the front stage and dance in front of everyone was definitely a rush!  But I knew that the students would need my lead, and with us all combined the dance was a complete success!

Art and Math!


Whoever said math can’t be fun?  Well – I believe that math and art are connected in varying ways.  Think of the architect who draws out building plans, or the engineer who looks at specific floor plans and uses Auto Cad to figure out their precise mathematical formulas and answers…  Well, art and math can start right at an early age!  This project was a lot of fun and allowed the student’s to be creative in how they wanted to present a formula of a sum of 5.  Remember, these are grade 1 students – so we must keep it simple at the beginning 🙂

What was awesome about this lesson was how the students were able to express themselves through artwork while learning the mathematical concept of addition.  If you notice, no two bowls of ice cream are the same.  This promotes individuality and creativity but still gets down to the root of what the lesson is trying to provide for students in math!