Why I Love Teaching!

Sabrina Teaching
One of the first questions that pop up in interviews so far is the question of why I wanted to become a teacher.  I will break it down into the main reasons as to why this is so.

I love…

1.) Working with students.

This statement may sound so cliche’, but it is true.  Back when I was a competitive swim coach working with children ranging from ages 6-8, I realized just how much I loved being around children.  Children have such a deep desire to belong and be challenged.  The best part of teaching is forming strong relationships with my students and opening their mind to the world around them.  I want to be the person they look up to, but also someone they can confide in and trust.  I want to have a listening ear, and make sure to give good advice in order to help students’ grow and succeed.

2.) How everyday is different.

One of the biggest reasons that I love teaching is because each day presents itself with something new.  Whether that involve new lessons to be taught, new conversations with student’s and colleagues, or having to approach a new challenge.  I love how each day is something new, is full of decision-making, and enables me to feel challenged as well.

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